108 REAL ESTATE investment team prepares for expansion under the leadership of Michal Divis

The investment team of the Czech real estate and consulting company 108 REAL ESTATE will undergo consolidation and strengthening of the team and competences. This will be done under the direction of its new head, Michal Diviš. Michal, who has been investing with 108 since 2017, specializes in land development, land transactions, investment purchases and sales, mainly in the industrial real estate segment. With his promotion from the position of Senior Associate, the efficiency of the entire team will be improved, and thus the quality of the investment department's services will be enhanced. Michal will lead the land and transaction team, while the capital markets area will remain under the direction of the company's CEO, Jakub Holc.
Michal has built a very strong, qualified position not only on the Czech market. He has signed a number of significant deals. With his accession to the leading position is associated with the expansion of the range and expertise of consulting activities, such as conducting due diligence surveys and studies, as well as detailed segment reports for property owners and investors," summarizes Jakub Holec, Director of 108 REAL ESTATE.
Among the transactions that Michal Diviš was behind, we can highlight the acquisition of land and securing the permitting processes for the new PPL distribution depot in Kostelec, the acquisition of land in the Triangl industrial zone for CTP or a 20 ha industrial zone for the same company in Blučina. He also appreciates the acquisition and permitting process of the ShinFood distribution centre in Kladno, 6 ha of land in Zdice, which he helped Accolade to acquire, 10 ha in Chrášt'any for Prologis and 6 ha for Garbe in Chomutov.
Michal Diviš (46) has been close to real estate transactions since his studies at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, where he graduated with a Master's degree in Land Development and Real Estate Transfers. He gained his work experience in the development companies EKOSPOL and REA 2007, and his experience in the implementation of buildings in the construction company BauPoint.
Joining the then 108 Investment Advisory in 2017, he focused on land development, mainly in the logistics and industrial sectors in the Czech Republic. In dozens of transactions, he has capitalized on his years of experience in preparing commercial land, reviewing utilities and zoning plans, consolidating larger areas as well as securing zoning approvals and final disposal of land.
"As the market for investment property products is currently stagnant, now is a good time to work on developing them so that they are ready to be marketed and generate maximum returns during a recovery. I am not only referring to land suitable for further development, but also older industrial, often manufacturing sites. These stand outside the corporate statistics, but there are still many people interested in depositing spare funds and capitalising on them in the form of rent or redevelopment. Often these are brownfields suitable for change of use. And it is the development of the sale-and-leaseback product that we want to focus on in the next period," says Michal Diviš, who does not want to limit himself to the territory of the Czech Republic, but to cover the entire area of Central and Western Europe. The alliance partnership with BNP Paribas Real Estate helps to achieve this.
Michal speaks English and his hobbies include music, football, tennis, mountain biking and snowboarding.