ReferencesIndustrialRenegotiation of lease terms for CERVARenegotiation of lease terms for CERVAIndustrialClientCERVALocationPrologis Park Prague AirportArea42,000 sq. m.We have negotiated an extension of the lease terms at Prologis Park Prague Airport for ČERVA. The company will continue to operate in the premises, where it has leased 42,000 m² of warehouse and office space.Looking for spaces for your business?Don't hesitate to contact usSubmit inquiryOther similar referencesLease of 7 195 m² of warehouse space for WM Logistics in P3 MyslinkaIndustrialProduction and warehouse space 17 396 m² for 2VV in Pardubice - RosiceIndustrialTransconsult International in its new headquarters in PragueIndustrial