108 AGENCY new office premises party

Last month 108 AGENCY together with partner company Edgar Baker moved to new premises at Hodžovo námestie 1/a to building Astoria Palace located just opposite the Presidential Palace in Bratislava.

In honor of this big change a party was thrown to celebrate new Office, where all our most valued clients and business partners from the fields of logistics, e-commerce, architecture, law and of course HR were invited.

The whole evening was marked by a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere surrounded by beautiful views of the Bratislava Old Town and accompanied by interesting conversations. Certainly, the great mood was also created by very tasty catering and amazing wine tasting presented by Tomáš Bona from company Regus.

„We are happy about the new offices. It is a positive change that has moved our company forward in work efficiency, strengthen up our team and also improved the synergy and use of information resources between 108 AGENCY and recruiting agency Edgar Baker. Certainly we want to continue caring for and meeting our costumers and fans as often as possible, adds Branislav Jendek, Managing Director at 108 AGENCY Slovakia.