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Our client Vacuumlabs is moving to a new and inspirational Office

We perceive the development of the Bratislava office market positively also thanks to the fast-growing City Business District, which has grown more than 120,000 sq m of office space in just two years. However, the residential and retail segment has a strong presence in the BCD as well.

Time and space flexibility, a technologically modern and inspiring new development environment offers a stable foundation for young companies, especially from the IT environment as evidenced by the recent transactions in the office market. Thanks to the new millennials in line, demands are becoming more and more colorful, to which employers must respond immediately.

Our client, Vacuumlabs, is a beautiful example of how a modern IT company should operate. They replaced the usual attributes like 'The Slovak', 'global' and 'super-modern' with 'ours'. It's heavily evidenced by the foundational pillars on which the company builds its home fleet of young developers in the field of fintech and crypto,” says Michal Rudinský, Head of Office at 108 AGENCY.

Vacuumlabs is a forward-thinking and inspirational company, that provides for their employees a creative working environment including gym and relax zones.

Samuel Hapák, CEO at Vacuumlabs states about cooperation with 108 AGENCY: It feels good when the whole team marches towards the same goal. We strongly feel that by genuinely wanting not to find the best space in general, but the best space for us, Mr. Rudinsky and 108 Agency have become the part of the team and had a significant impact on the success of our Headquarters selection process. We are glad they were able to understand our requirements and hopes fully and have effectively guided us through this adventure.