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The construction of the green logistics complex VisionPark begins in Bratislava

The VisionPark project combines ecology, sustainability and, above all, a green future. Logistics parks are mostly a thorn in the side of the local community because they do not correspond aesthetically with the surroundings. VisionPark crosses the threshold of the industrial stereotype and enters the era of green logistics parks that not only serve investors, but also help fulfil the goals of customers and employees. The result is to create a prosperous community under one roof, which improves the surroundings and takes care of the environment with its activity.

We want to be an inspiration for the reconstruction of the surrounding parks, which today show a significant stage of wear and tear. The transformation of classic industrial buildings into healthy projects full of life and the effective use of solar energy and rainwater will lighten our planet and at the same time enrich the world of industrial buildings with new innovative solutions, adds Ing. Tomáš Šesták, executive director of DOAS, a.s.

VisionPark transforms solar energy through photovoltaics into electrical energy, and through the distributor, green energy reaches back to the customers. Retained rainwater that remains in the environment is also used. The use of wind is in the process of being solved, it can contribute to energy self-sufficiency. With a suitable combination of these technologies, the park's carbon footprint can be close to 0.

Behind this interesting project is the development company DOAS with a long tradition of successfully implemented constructions. A building permit was issued for the construction of three halls A, B and C with an area of ​more than 16,000 sq m. The units are flexible and the smallest of them for lease start from 780 sq m up to 8,000 sq m. The park is located in Žabí Majer, with a good accessibility to the city center and near the D1 and D4 highway exits.

In the last quarter, we noticed a higher demand for smaller storage units from 500 up to 1,000 sq m in Bratislava and its surroundings. Small units have been in short supply on the commercial real estate market for a long time. The response to this type of demand is the trend of building halls suitable for city logistics, such as VisionPark. After Bratislava, similar projects will soon be constructed in other cities such as Senec, Trnava and Nitra, adds Dominika Ukropcová, Research Analyst from the real estate consulting company 108 AGENCY Slovakia, which leases the park exclusively.